Physical Therapy

The Self-Myofascial Release (self-MFR) workshop is a great way for patients to learn tools and techniques for treating themselves at home. This can extend the benefit of their manual work they receive in the clinic and will help them become more independent long-term. We start with the basics of self-MFR and the […]

Self-Myofascial Release Workshop is Every First and Third Fridays of ...

holistic physical therapy
Holistic Physical Therapy versus Insurance-Based Physical Therapy Laura Probert does a great job explaining the differences between insurance-driven practices and alternative/holistic cash-based practices 5 Things You Should Know About Holistic Physical Therapy If you’ve had physical therapy for an injury, pain, or post-surgical rehab, it may surprise you to know not […]

Holistic Physical Therapy

  Source: Are You Ready To Go Minimal? By now you’ve heard that the running shoes you’ve worn the past 20 years are bad: They’ve become crutches that have weakened your feet, altered your stride, provoked injury and made you slower. The most zealous advocates of minimalism suggest you dump […]

Foot Strength for Runners