With the pandemic there has been an overall rise in tension and overall stress. Some folks have been working in a less-than-ideal home office setting, others are experiencing difficulties due to mask-wearing and many of us have fallen out of our exercise and self-care routines. All of these factors contribute to headaches, neck pain and jaw dysfunction. So, what are some ways we can decrease the pain and prevent it from coming back?
- Avoid chewing gum or eating tough foods such as chewy meats or bagels. Chew evenly on both sides of your mouth to encourage symmetry in musculature and joint mobility.
- Check your posture! Learn about ergonomic desk set up and better options for home office to maximize your posture. Set up a free screen at Roper Physical Therapy and we can make suggestions.
- Relax. Easier said than done, right? It can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths and resting your tongue on the roof of your mouth to relieve tension. Take our monthly Mindfulness and Meditation for a variety of helpful tips!
- Take time for self-care. Getting regular myofascial release can eliminate pain and prevent it from coming back. Check out our Self-Myofascial Workshop offered every Friday from 12-1pm for more self-treatment techniques to maximize your results.
Please contact Rachel Gorman at [email protected] with any questions and be on the lookout for our next workshop on TMJ and neck pain!